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Employers – Participate in BTE

For employers, participation in BTE is very easy – and absolutely essential. 

Employers need to play a major role in improving health care quality and value. In fact, the future of your business may depend on it. The key is to collaborate with your health plans and employees around the so-called "four cornerstones of value-driven health care": utilizing health information technology, measuring and publishing quality information, measuring and publishing price information, and creating positive incentives for high quality, efficient health care. Participating in BTE programs can help you achieve each objective. Just follow these steps.

  • Tell your health plans you want to participate.  Inform them that you want to incorporate BTE Recognitions as an integral part of how they evaluate clinician quality. Make sure your plan contracts stipulate they have to implement BTE on your behalf. Or, for contracts already in place, sign a contract amendment that stipulates the terms of participation.
  • Drive the deliverables.  Discuss specific targets and expectations with your health plan administrators.
  • Communicate with employees. Emphasize the importance of seeing recognized clinicians.  Make BTE's quality ratings site available to employees so they can research clinician qualifications and provide input on their experiences.


See some employer-led implementation examples here.