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Related Implementations

HCI3 also has contracts with New York State Health Foundation in which they are working to improve diabetes care, and also with New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

New York State Health Foundation

Across the state of NY, BTE is supporting the New York State Health Foundation’s (NYSHF) five-year, $35 million campaign to reverse the diabetes epidemic in New York State. “The New York State Diabetes Campaign: Reversing the Epidemic” will work to improve clinical care, mobilize communities, and promote policy.

As a central component of its New York State Diabetes Campaign, NYSHF’s Diabetes Policy Center and BTE have created a strategy to promote incentives that drive excellence in diabetes care and outcomes. The Diabetes Policy Center is encouraging the alignment of incentive programs across health plans by launching a Diabetes Incentive Program Endorsement. Through this endorsement, the Center will publicly recognize plans that have implemented effective diabetes incentive and reward programs. The Center’s goal is to encourage the majority of health plans in New York State to offer and deliver incentives to physicians and practices that demonstrate that they are delivering better care and achieving better outcomes for patients.

New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Downstate in New York City, BTE is collaborating with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH) in an effort to create a city-wide implementation that would capitalize on the Department's Primary Care Information Project. The goal is to harmonize a core set of performance measures in NYC around the Take Care NY program that will form the basis for BTE's Recognition programs. The NYC DOHMH and BTE have started a series of conversations with NYC-based health plans, including Empire, Emblem, Aetna and CIGNA, and will continue to work with those plans to tie physician incentives to BTE Recognitions achieved by physicians in NYC through this collaborative effort. All physicians in NYC will have an opportunity to participate in the effort if they have a means to report their performance data electronically to the TCNY measures database. Current partners also include the NY State Medical Society.